Hello everyone! Today I will be talking about a fairly controversial topic amongst Lolitas who wear Brand prints: replicas.
Many Lolitas are very much against replicas in all forms and this is reflected in many sales groups and sites as they often do not allow the sale of replicas. So what exactly is a replica, you may be wondering. Replicas are pieces that replicate a popular (or sometimes less known) piece from a name brand such as Angelic Pretty or Baby the Stars Shine Bright. Often times this means taking the artwork (aka print), design, or sometimes both from a Brand dress and making a cheaper version without permission from the original designer. Now this can be where it gets confusing for some Lolitas: Why is that entirely a bad thing? Isn't it useful for Lolitas on a budget? First things first, lets discuss what a replica is in different terms.
Imagine you drew something that you were very proud of. It might not be the best drawing, but you did what you consider to be a very good job for your skill level. So, you decide to share this image online with some of your friends. A few days later, you see your drawing pop up on a site you frequent. At first you're surprised. Then you realize that the person who posted the picture is claiming that they drew it and are selling prints of it to various people. They are making monetary gains off a piece of art that YOU made, without your permission, and cutting you out of it entirely by claiming they created it. This is essencially what a replica is: taking someone else's work and marketing it for monetary gains without giving proper credit and without permission. Now let's change the situation a bit here.
Take that same piece of artwork. You share it online with your friends and a few days later you get a message from a friend of one of your friends. They compliment you on your work and inform you that they have an audience of buyers that would be interested in purchasing printed copies of your drawing. They politely ask if you would be willing to let them make prints if they give you an acceptable amount of the proceeds. You agree to this proposition and you two work out the details of how the proceeds will be split. When they start selling prints of your artwork, they keep their side of the agreement and split the proceeds with you appropriately.
Replicas in Lolita fashion are typically the first scenario given: The original designer has no say in the process of the production. Sometimes replicas will be printed with a design very similar to the original, but with slight modifications or in a slightly different style. Sometimes they'll just print the design exactly as it was on the original, brand name and all. While views on replicas vary, replicas can be illigal in some places as they are essentially stolen artwork and/or designs, similar to designer purse replicas. I highly reccomend doing research before buying a known replica to make sure it is legal for you to do so in your area. If buying a Brand item, always ask for proof pictures (typically a picture of the interior tag on the item with a plush or note that the buyer uses to show that it is their picture, not one taken from an online search). Always be careful to try and avoid replicas that people are selling as brand items and to confirm an item really is from the brand that they claim it's from!
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